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  • What is critical thinking ability?
    Critical thinking ability is a collective term for several essential soft skills that individuals need to possess. It includes abilities such as 'critical thinking,' 'problem-solving,' 'expression, and communication'.
  • How to cultivate critical thinking skills?
    Cultivating critical thinking skills involves various soft skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. It requires long-term training and internalization, allowing individuals to naturally apply these skills in their daily lives. Lead For Taiwan's proposed approach to critical thinking education follows these steps to systematically cultivate critical thinking skills among Taiwanese youth: ➤ Students need systematic courses to learn logically rigorous thinking frameworks. ➤ Practice asking precise questions and engaging in friendly discussions with others. ➤ Practice systematically expressing and articulating viewpoints.
  • Why do we need critical thinking education?
    The OECD's report on essential skills for the future of education and year 2030 highlights 'Cognitive abilities (critical thinking),' 'Practical learning ability,' and 'Social and emotional abilities' as major skills. Taiwan's 108 Curriculum Guidelines center on 'Core Competencies,' aiming to cultivate people-centered 'lifelong learners' through autonomy, interaction, and mutual benefit. The focus is on inspiring students in 'self-directed action,' 'communication and interaction,' and 'social participation.' In order to cultivate the abilities required for Taiwanese students to become future talents, especially in 'Systems thinking and problem-solving,' 'Technology, information, and media literacy,' and 'Multicultural and international understanding,' students need systematic critical thinking education.
  • What are the bottlenecks faced by Taiwan's education?
    The bottlenecks faced by Taiwan's education include: Rigid educational culture (rote learning and exam-oriented education culture). A lack of interest in societal issues or politics, as well as a lack of attention to the world beyond textbooks. Lack of passion for learning (students learning solely for grades without a sense of continuous learning beyond the classroom). While Taiwan's education system is making efforts to change over time, the process of reform within the system requires significant planning and implementation, often leading to a lag in adapting to the changing times. The deep-rooted learning culture of speed, rote memorization, and score-driven focus greatly affects the determination and pace of cultivating critical thinking abilities among Taiwanese students. Therefore, as a non-profit organization, Lead For Taiwan's goal is to collaborate with educators and schools within the system to promote critical thinking education, driving change from the outside to facilitate internal transformation.
  • What does Taiwan's critical thinking education need?
    Systematic critical thinking curriculum: There is a lack of systematic critical thinking curriculum and teaching materials for Taiwan, despite the need for critical thinking being acknowledged. Sufficient manpower for continuous promotion: Without enough mentors and a sustainable cultivation system, the impact of critical thinking education may be short-lived and unable to be sustained in the long run. Educational reform within the system: Schools remain the primary influence on students. Without changing the educational methods within the system, the efforts will only address the surface issues without tackling the root problems.
  • What advantages are there in cultivating critical thinking skills among the entire population?
    Having good judgment allows individuals to quickly identify pain points and key issues when dealing with acquired knowledge and encountering problems, enabling them to make informed decisions. Possessing media interpretation skills helps in correcting biased media reporting and countering the trend of sensationalism. Having systematic thinking abilities allows individuals to analyze the core of problems and tackle complex social issues effectively. Having friendly communication skills enables logical and coherent expression of ideas while respecting others' viewpoints and understanding the importance of rational discussions. Enhancing public engagement in affairs: Cultivating critical thinking skills involves extensive reading and reflection on the context behind events, leading to increased awareness and participation in public affairs.
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